Here are some words for you:
- Bodacious
- Gubbins
- Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia
And here are a few paragraphs for you!
Paragraph #1
I’m learning to use my Android device with the course at . I’m already at the end of the course, and I enjoyed it quite much!
Paragraph #2
Humming birds are incredible wonders of this world. Did you know that the species called Ruby-throated hummingbird can fly 2200 km without stopping? It’s a fantastic feat of a bird that only weighs about as much as an A4 sheet of paper!
Paragraph #3
This is a meaningful Hungarian sentence: “Ön ejtette ki talán már a kisadi-hidasi karámnál a tikettet, Jenő?” It means: “Did you drop out the ticket at the Kisadi-Hidasi paddock, Jenő?”. The fun fact about this sentence is, that it is a palindrome, so it is the same if you read it backwards.